International Conference Cities & Water OCTOBER 25, 2016 | BRATISLAVA | SLOVAK REPUBLIC |

Bratislava | Bratislava , Slovak Republic
Bratislava is taking over the lead from Dutch city of Leeuwarden in organising the second Cities & Water conference during the period of the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The aim of the conference is to address topics such as water security, access to water resources and overcoming challenges related to water and urban development, sharing examples of good practice and innovation, and to emphasise the importance of water not just as an economic good, but rather as a public commodity essential for human health. We believe the conference will serve as a platform for increasing political engagement and focus on Mayors as key actors in securing sustainable and innovative approaches to water management, which positively contribute to many aspects of urban development
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All Dates
- from 25 10 2016 to 25 10 2016